
7 effective actions to reduce your carbon footprint

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Your little contribution to the planet. At an exciting gathering in Laroin, France, young people from all over Europe shared brilliant ideas for reducing our carbon footprint while having fun. Here are some easy-to-adopt suggestions inspired by Greenpeace that can really make a difference.

1. Airplane-Free Travel: Adventure in a New Light

What if the journey itself became part of the adventure? Opt for trains or buses for your next getaway. It's a chance to discover breathtaking landscapes and have unique experiences, all while being kind to the planet.

2. A Local and Seasonal Menu

Did you know that eating local and seasonal foods is like a culinary journey in your own region? It's an opportunity to rediscover authentic flavors and support local producers.

3. A Plant-Based Menu

Exploring a more plant-based diet can be an exciting culinary adventure. Why not try a new plant-based recipe each week?

4. A Bank That Shares Your Values

Choosing an ethical bank is like investing in a greener future. This action requires little effort but can have a significant impact! Look into banks that support sustainable projects. And remember, if your bank isn't transparent about how your money is invested, there's probably a good reason.

5. The Art of Upcycling

Turning an old pair of jeans into a trendy bag? It's possible! Upcycling is the art of giving new life to objects, and it's as good for your creativity as it is for the planet. It’s also the best way to learn to consume less!

6. Tips for Saving Energy

There are plenty of simple tips like not putting hot food in the fridge or ensuring the heating isn't running continuously that can make a big difference. It's easy and lightens the electricity bill!

7. Experimenting with Carpooling

Whether it's for getting to work, the neighboring town, or sports activities, carpooling is a friendly and ecological way to travel. Services like Blablacar make it easy and enjoyable.

Start today

Every action, no matter how small, counts towards a more sustainable future. These 7 actions are a great starting point for integrating ecology into your everyday life. Get started and discover the joy of an environmentally friendly lifestyle!

  • Environment

  • Critical Thinking



