
What is Erasmus+ mobility?

Les mobilités Erasmus+ c'est quoi ?

Most young people know the Erasmus+ program for its opportunities to spend university semesters abroad in Europe. But Erasmus+ is much more than that, and in this article we're going to talk about some of those incredible little-known opportunities.

International mobility

What is it?

Let's start with the simplest of all. International mobilities are projects organized by associations or non-governmental organizations whose aim is to bring together, once or several times, for a few days, young people from several European countries in one of the partner countries to discuss, share, learn and do something concrete on a particular subject.


An association in Sweden organizes a 10-day youth exchange on recycling. The partner associations involved come from France, Germany and Greece. So for 10 days, between 20 and 60 young people aged 18 to 30 from France, Germany, Greece and Sweden will get together in Sweden to carry out a recycling project using non-formal education methods. This project is financed by the Erasmus program, so ALL PARTICIPANTS' EXPENSES ARE COVERED (transport, accommodation and food).

How to apply?

These projects are proposed by the organizing associations via calls on facebook groups in particular. Depending on the project, the profile of the participants sought may be different. When you want to take part in a project, you can contact the partner association in your country to submit your application. If your application is accepted, all you have to do is become a member of the association to take part in the project. (usually 20€/year).

Why participate?

Taking part in an Erasmus international mobility program is an opportunity to discover new cultures, develop a sense of belonging to the European community, open your mind, travel, create new friendships and international relationships, and learn new knowledge and skills on topical subjects.

It's easy, free and rewarding, so why hesitate?

  • Critical Thinking



