
Spain - Wander at ease

Wander at ease

Wander at Ease is a youth exchange program designed to inspire a new generation of travelers to embrace the art of slow travel and cultivate a deeper connection with the world around them. Over the Erasmus+ exchange, participants from Spain, Italy, France, Romania, and Germany will embark on a journey of exploration, reflection, and cultural exchange, guided by the principles of mindfulness, sustainability, and community engagement.

Date & Location

Starting Date :

May 10, 2024

Ending Date :

May 21, 2024

Location :Belorado - Spain


We invite you to join the "Wander at Ease" youth exchange project, a unique experience taking place in Belorado, Spain, from May 21 to 29, 2024. Here's what you need to know before applying:

1. Project Objective: To inspire a new generation of travelers to embrace slow travel, focusing on mindfulness, sustainability, and community engagement.

2. Participants: We are looking for young people aged 18 to 30 from Spain, Italy, France, Romania, and Germany. Candidates should have an interest in the project's themes, be willing to travel green, be motivated to participate in an intercultural learning experience, have at least a medium level of English, and be eager to get involved.

3. Group Leaders: Group leaders should be willing to travel with the entire group, have prior experiences in group management and the Erasmus+ program, good knowledge of English, and be willing to participate in the project's preparations and meetings.

4. Accommodation: The exchange will take place at the Albergue Belorado El Corro, suitable and essential for hosting the entire group. Rooms will be divided into three categories (She/He, Mixed/Others), with a particular focus on sustainability, including a vegetarian menu.

5. Travel: We encourage green transportation methods (trains, buses, ferries, car-sharing) to minimize environmental impact. Higher travel budgets are allocated for green travel, and participants are entitled to two travel days for both the outbound and return journeys.

6. Travel Expense Reimbursement: Travel expenses will be reimbursed up to an amount determined by the European Commission's distance calculator. Keep all your original travel documents for reimbursement.

For a comprehensive overview, refer to the infopack hereafter.

It's important that you read this document carefully.
Place Available :1


