
Short movie - A street view

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A street view, directed by Loreto Saiz and Alfonso Villanueva in 2022, is the third short movie co-produced by Rakonto and the first one that is a fiction instead of documentary. It was born from our need to express the need to keep fighting no matter the continuous crisis that youngsters today have faced and keep facing: economic, ecologic or sanitary crisis.

  • Background

    Precarity is the only thing that has remained stable since we finished our studies and entered adult life: unpaid internship, economic crisis, insecurity, temporality, uncertainty, long-distance relationships, vulnerability and, in short, contingency in labour and sentimental matters.

    Years after finishing university, we observe that almost none of our colleagues have had a decent job offer, and have had to settle for one of three options:

    • return home to their families to wait for the situation to improve
    • look for a temporary job outside their field of study in order to keep an apartment in the capital while they continue looking for their niche in the industry
    • in the case of having a family that can support you economically, apply for unpaid internships in the hope of a contract that does not come.

    This precarity directly affects all areas of our lives, including the way we love. Unemployment or temporary work denies us the possibility of having economic stability, of settling down in a place of residence, and of securing stable relationships. We have become a nomadic generation that can only afford to live fragmented, virtual relationships with no long-term guarantees, with physical and therefore emotional distancing.

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  • Representative reflection

    However, our attitude in most cases is one of acceptance and conformism, because we do not find realistic alternatives. We have normalized our precariousness and, knowing our privileges, we have accepted that it could be worse. That is why A STREET VIEW is a cry for help, a brief but representative reflection of the situation we have had to live, and a vindication that, despite everything, we believe that it is worth continuing to fight for our futures.

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  • Festivals & Awards

    Muestra audiovisual Larga vida al corto…! (1/2024). España. Spain.

    Sanse, cortos en abierto (1/2024). España Spain

    Festival de Cortos de Bogotá. ES - Nexos (12/2023). Colombia Colombia. Estreno Nacional National Premiere at Colombia

    Festival Internacional de Cortometrajes de Aguilar de Campoo (12/2023). España Spain. Estreno en Castilla y León

    Festival Internacional de Cine de Cartagena (11/2023). España Spain

    The Canadian Labour International Film Festival (11/2023). Canadá Canada. Estreno Internacional International Premiere

    El Meteorito, Festival de Cortometrajes Molina de Segura (10/2023). España Spain. Estreno Regional

    Certamen de Cortometrajes de Chamartín (9/2023). España Spain. Estreno Absoluto World Premiere

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  • Audiovisual

  • Critical Thinking



