
Training Course - New storytelling methods for Youth Workers

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In July 2023, Rakonto undertook a pioneering initiative to enhance the capabilities of social workers at La Fundación Escuela de Solidaridad. This comprehensive training course was designed with a dual focus: to imbue social workers with the power of visual storytelling and to address the unique challenges encountered in narrating the experiences of individuals grappling with social distress. Recognizing the profound impact that skillful storytelling can have, Rakonto's training aimed to transform the way social workers communicate and connect with those they serve.

  • Training Overview

    Rakonto meticulously crafted a multi-day training program, with each day dedicated to a specific aspect of storytelling:

    1. Day One: Team Building and Introduction to Narration

    • The program commenced with interactive team-building exercises, establishing a foundation of trust and collaboration among the participants.
    • Initial sessions delved into the essentials of storytelling, emphasizing the critical need for accuracy and sensitivity in narrating personal stories, especially when dealing with vulnerable individuals.

    2. Narrative Techniques and Participatory Documentary

    • Expanding beyond traditional methods, the training introduced a diverse range of narrative techniques, with a special focus on the participatory documentary approach.
    • This segment was tailored to equip social workers with versatile storytelling tools, enabling them to adapt their narrative style to various audiences and contexts effectively.

    3. Practical Application in Pau

    • The training included a crucial practical component, where participants visited a local initiative in Pau to apply their newly learned skills in a real-world environment.
    • This immersive experience was instrumental in connecting theoretical knowledge with practical application, providing a richer, more comprehensive understanding of the storytelling process.

    4. Final Day: Post-Production and Dissemination

    • The concluding sessions of the training focused on post-production techniques and effective strategies for story dissemination.
    • Discussions emphasized the importance of crafting well-structured stories and implementing strategies to ensure these narratives reach and resonate with the intended audiences.

  • Impact of the Training

    The training offered by Rakonto was more than just a skill-building exercise; it was a transformative experience that provided the participants with a deep, holistic understanding of storytelling in the realm of social work. From conceptualizing a narrative to executing it with visual aids, and finally sharing it with the world, the training journey covered every aspect of storytelling. It empowered the social workers to incorporate compelling visual narratives into their everyday interactions, significantly enhancing their ability to advocate for and support the people they help.

  • Feedback and Continuing Evolution

    The response to the training was exceptionally positive. Participants praised the course for its relevance and practicality, reflecting Rakonto's success in meeting the specific needs of social workers. Committed to continual improvement, Rakonto plans to evolve its training modules further, taking into account the unique feedback and requirements of each participant group to ensure ongoing relevance and impact.

  • Conclusion

    Rakonto's training course stands as a beacon of innovation in the field of social work, highlighting the transformative power of storytelling. It underscores the importance of conveying stories with empathy, precision, and a deep understanding of the complexities involved in dealing with sensitive life experiences.

    This training has not only equipped the social workers from La Fundación Escuela de Solidaridad with new tools but also enriched their perspective on how to approach and narrate the stories of those they assist. With these newly honed skills, they are now better prepared to narrate these stories in a way that is both impactful and respectful, enhancing their ability to advocate for and support those in need.

    Rakonto's training course thus marks a significant step forward in the integration of storytelling into social work, promising a future where the narratives of those in social distress are heard and understood more profoundly.

  • Critical Thinking

  • Social Inclusion



